Enhance All Areas of Your Life

No matter how successful we are or how complete we feel in our relationships, we all have areas in our life that can use enhancement.

How about your health? Is your physical and mental energy level the best it can be?

Do you need enhancement in counter-balancing your career with your loved ones?

Have you mastered quality down-time for yourself?

Does your career feel like work or is your career guided by your purpose? 

Can you use spiritual enhancement? Are you doing things that serve your highest Self? Are you fully aware of the consciousness of the soul as it plays in the physical?    

Unlock the magic within and awaken your dormant potential. Bridge the gap between where you are today, and where your highest potential awaits!

At a crossroad? Has what you chose as the road to happiness suddenly become an elusive path to emptiness? Disappointed? Your intent was genuine but the sardonic result was much less than sweet. You are left standing there, confused and perhaps even scared. You know that you’ve tried your hardest, yet suddenly you are thinking that the stars were simply not aligned at any of the right times in your life…even though you know nothing about astrology. Agreeably, what else can you blame it on?

After you’ve finished saturating your brain with all the negative indifferent thoughts…and yes you have…because I have done the same in the past, I invite you to take a hopeful breath and read on.

I may not personally know you, but know that I care. My purpose is to open your eyes to the immeasurable opportunities of happiness that follow. So here you are. Now what? It’s not the end is it? Yes there’s been one or all of what I call the 3D’s (Death, Divorce, and Disaster) in your past. Perhaps you’ve lost your business, your home, your life as you knew it? I get it. Based on my own past, I can even empathize. But where do you go from here? Today? Now? Storms are almost always followed by rainbows. Such is the same with your life. I don’t want to sound hallmark, however, I do want to impress upon you that the tools you need in order to envision again, dream again, laugh again, and love again already inhabit you! You’ve just lost them while living in the turmoil. But these tools have never left you for good. In fact they are inherent. We were given the natural ability to use all these tools, devises, if you will, to implement positive changes in your work or relationally, to heal your heavy heart, or tired body. You have the instruments to play the music that brings a smile to your very heart…and finally place it on your once sad face. Wouldn’t it be sweet to suddenly have an organic smile for no reason other than the fact that you simply realized that nothing in the past can affect you today? The past has no power over you. So since the past has no power over you, now you can toss your fear. Fear is dreadful. I know. I’ve been there. Today, I encourage you to put it in the trash. Now pick up a bucket of courage and boldly place your dreams, hope, forgiveness, and love in it. This will be your bucket. Write down on a piece of paper or in a journal the specifics of what is in your bucket. So this will be your bucket list, if you will. Call it whatever you’d like, but be honest and specific with all the ingredients you are putting in. Remember, always the greatest of these ingredients is LOVE. Your visions, what you trust for and anticipate, who you forgive, and who you worship or what you adore most, shall all go in your bucket and on your list. Perhaps not completely on your own, and certainly not immediately, but most definitely you can be assured that the ingredients in your bucket will begin to blossom and soon you will see the good fruits evolve. You will be amazed to learn that good seeds actually grow in good soil! Perhaps you may remember as a child the first seed you planted with a parent, or school teacher, or a mentor. Remember the feeling you had when you woke up and there it was? The first bud pushing through the soil? How exciting it was! You planted it. You watered it. You cared for it. You hoped for it to come alive, evolve, and grow. And it did! I remember planting beans with my son when he was only 3 and the look on his face when it began to happen. Priceless! You can actually sit and watch the beans that had budded and unfold by the minute, and within hours and days vines up into a lovely plant. Now you have a chance to do this again, only you are planting the seeds in your personal soil. You will pick and choose these seeds wisely. This will be your recipe for love.

Not love for another, understand, but love for life. Appreciations for a flower, for a sunrise and sunset, for your very breath as you inhale and exhale. Love for the very moment you are in. Love of God.

Will there be obstacles? Yes. Might there be a happy parachuter that drops down out of nowhere? Possibly. So what? This is life, and so you will learn how to overcome, stay present, focused and on the path you have begun to design. One bold step at a time. Remember you have the resources within you to do this!

If I can help you address specific projects, goals, business successes, grievances, sudden transition in your personal life, relationships or profession by examining what is going on right now… please contact me. Perhaps you will discover what your obstacles and challenges may be, and see that you find an effective course of action to make your life be what you want it to be…one of purpose.

Design a life you love…

In your corner,


Lily Sanders

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