Enhance All Areas of Your Life

No matter how successful we are or how complete we feel in our relationships, we all have areas in our life that can use enhancement.

How about your health? Is your physical and mental energy level the best it can be?

Do you need enhancement in counter-balancing your career with your loved ones?

Have you mastered quality down-time for yourself?

Does your career feel like work or is your career guided by your purpose? 

Can you use spiritual enhancement? Are you doing things that serve your highest Self? Are you fully aware of the consciousness of the soul as it plays in the physical?    

Unlock the magic within and awaken your dormant potential. Bridge the gap between where you are today, and where your highest potential awaits!

The Art of Living

The art of living comes when you are in touch with the ‘space’ in your life. I often write about where you are in time and space. What time/ space form are you in…or are you formless? The art of living is realized when you are free from being trapped...

When they are SAD…

So your child calls you and is feeling sad. His feelings were hurt and all you can feel as a parent is frustration. When they are sad you want to fix it and make it go away. You want your child to be happy and feel adequate and loved. Many parents teach their child...

The Stream of Thinking

What is the stream of thinking?  What you think and don’t think, where your thoughts come from and go to will influence where you go to in time and space.  What does that mean?  Simply put, your thoughts, the stream of thinking, take you out of the present...

The delight of being

Can you separate yourself from the thinker? Not to be able to stop thinking is a dreadful affliction, yet we don’t realize it because almost everybody suffers from it, so in today’s society it is considered normal. That mental noise in the thinking mind,...

Attainable Peace

What if I said there was a way out of suffering and into the peace? And what if it were less complicated then we think? Enlightenment is not only attainable, but essential for both individual peace and the health of the planet. I was speaking with a friend this...
Lily Sanders

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